FREE, Internet Marketing Training.

FREE, Internet Marketing Training.
Brought to you by James Munny

Thursday, 13 September 2007

Final Day (8) of Killer Headlines,

Headlines are what lead your readers to read more of your sales message thus is considered the most important part of your Internet Marketing sales message.

(22) Never Seen Before...

The "Never Seen Before..." headline will grab your prospect’s attention because people usually ignore ads. They think they have seen everything. If your product has truly never been seen before they will want to stop and read about it. NEW is very enticing!

Example: "Never Seen Before! Tires That Never Go Flat!"

(23) Imagine...

The "Imagine..." headline will grab your prospect’s attention because people like to leave there own reality. Why do you think TV, movies, video games, music, drugs, alcohol, etc. are so popular? Give them one or more of their desired benefits to imagine.

Example: "Imagine Losing 20 Pounds In 14 Days!"

(24) They Laughed...

The "They Laughed..." headline will grab your prospect’s attention because everyone has suffered being laughed at or minimized at least once. So your prospects can relate to it. They won't be afraid to get their desired benefit since you proved the people that laughed at you were wrong.

Example: "They Laughed At Me When I Bought That Run-Down House Until I Sold It And Made $20,000 Profit"

(25) How I...

The "How I..." headline will grab your prospect’s attention because it's not only showing them to how to get their desired benefit but you, the “I", are telling them, not some big corporation. It is more personal and will draw your prospect into your ad copy. The little guy wins!

Example: "How I Made $36,890 In One Week!

Click Here for FREE in Depth Internet Marketing Training

James Munny

Wednesday, 12 September 2007

Day 7 of Killer Headlines,

Headlines are what lead your readers to read more of your sales message thus is considered the most important part of your Internet Marketing sales message.

(19) Now You Can...

The "Now You Can.." headline will grab your prospect’s attention because people usually don't have their desired benefit yet if they are even considering reading your ad. Now they can learn how to get that benefit from reading the rest of your ad

Example: "Now You Can Afford That In-Ground Pool!"

(20) Proven...

The "Proven..." headline will grab your prospects attention because people want products that they know are proven to get their desired benefit. Would you want a product that's UN-proven?

Example: "A Hair Tonic That's Proven To Work!"

(21) Are You Still...

The "Are You Still..." headline will grab your prospect’s attention because people will wonder if they are still getting the most benefit with an older product. It's also a question that they will mentally have to answer then compare to the newer product you are offering.

Example: "Are You Still Using That Slow, Old Typewriter?"

Click Here for FREE in Depth Internet Marketing Training

James Munny

Monday, 10 September 2007

Day 6 of Killer Headlines,

Headlines are what lead your readers to read more of your sales message thus is considered the most important part of your Internet Marketing sales message.

(16) Take Advantage...

The "Take Advantage..." headline will grab your prospect’s attention because most people would rather have an advantage than be disadvantaged. People want to learn about any advantage that will help them get the desired benefits.

Example: "Take Advantage Of The Falling Stock Market"

(17) Treat Yourself...

The "Treat Yourself..." headline will grab your prospect’s attention because most people are focused on pleasing and helping their family, friends and employers. It will make them stop and think, "I need a treat once in awhile, too!”.

Example: "Treat Yourself To A Delicious, Hot-Fudge Sundae!"

(18) Reasons To...

The "Reasons To..." headline will grab your prospect’s attention because when you ask someone to do something, don't they always ask why? It will give them a reason to read your advertisement.

Example: "10 Reasons To Start Your Own, Profitable Ezine!"

Click Here for FREE in Depth Internet Marketing Training

James Munny

Sunday, 9 September 2007

Day 5 of Killer Headlines,

Headlines are what lead your readers to read more of your sales message thus is considered the most important part of your Internet Marketing sales message.

(13) Free Bonuses...

The "Free Bonuses..." headline grabs your prospect’s attention because people like to be rewarded for buying. Your prospects will read the rest of your ad to find out about the free bonuses and see how much they will have to spend in order to get the free bonuses.

Example: "How To Get 7 Free Bonuses Worth $1657!"

(14) Which Of...

The "Which Of..." headline will grab your prospect’s attention because it will give them a choice. People like to have choices, it gives them freedom and control. Once they choose, they will want to read your ad to see the results of their choice.

Example: "Which Of These Web Hosting Companies Would You Choose?"

(15) Last Chance...

The "Last Chance..." headline will grab your prospect’s attention because people usually pay more attention to their last chance than their first chance to buy something. Everyone hates to lose something. It will usually help sell to people that procrastinate about buying. Now or never is a strong motivator.

Example: "Last Chance To Save 50% Off This Stunning Ring

Click Here for FREE in Depth Internet Marketing Training

James Munny

Friday, 7 September 2007

Day 4 of Killer Headlines,

Headlines are what lead your readers to read more of your sales message thus is considered the most important part of your Internet Marketing sales message.


A "...Guaranteed" headline grabs your prospect’s attention because it tells your prospects there is no harm in reading the rest of my ad and there's no risk. Your prospects will allow themselves to get interested because even if the buy they have nothing to lose. It makes the most unbelievable headline seem believable.

Example: "10,000 Web Site Visitors In One Month...Guaranteed!"

(11) Time Sensitive...

The "Time Sensitive!..." headline grabs your prospect’s attention because if it's placed in front of their desired benefit, they know they need to promptly read your ad. They'll be worried that they may miss your time sensitive offer.

Example: "Time Sensitive! 5 Ways To Reduce Your Taxes!"

(12) Truth About...

The "Truth About..." headline grabs your prospect’s attention because most people suspect they are being lied to by businesses. It's usually because they have been burnt at least once by another business in their lifetime.

Example: "The Real Truth About MLM Compensation Plans!"

Click Here for FREE in Depth Internet Marketing Training

James Munny

Thursday, 6 September 2007

Day 3 of Killer Headlines.

Headlines are what lead your readers to read more of your sales message thus is considered the most important part of your Internet Marketing sales message.

(7) Inside Secrets...
An "Inside Secrets..." headline grabs your prospect’s attention because your prospects will feel that if they learn more information they'll belong to a select, privileged group of people. It also adds a rareness to your product. Rare is valuable.

Example: "The Inside Secrets Of Millionaires Under The Age Of 29!"

(8) Magic...
A "Magic..." headline grabs your prospect’s attention because almost everyone's fantasy is to have a magic formula or tool that will instantly give them their desired benefits. People want to get their desired benefits with little or no effort.

Example: "New! A Stain Remover That Works Like Magic!"

(9) Finally...
A "Finally..." headline grabs your prospect’s attention because usually people will buy any number of similar products before they get the exact benefit they want. So, when we find that perfect product we are likely to say or think….FINALLY!!!

Example: "Finally! An Acne Cream That Actually Does What It Says!"

Click Here for FREE in Depth Internet Marketing Training

James Munny

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Day 2 of Killer Headlines.

Headlines are what lead your readers to read more of your sales message thus it is considered the most important part of your Internet Marketing sales message.

Day 2 of 25 Attention Grabing Headlines that will multiply the response of your Internet marketing Business.

(4) ...Exposed

An "...Exposed" headline grabs your prospect’s attention because it sounds as if somebody was trying to hide something. Your prospects will want to know what was being covered up and why.

Example: "Used Car Dealer Sales Tricks Exposed!"

(5) ...Explained

An "...Explained" headline grabs your prospect’s attention because it will give them a clear picture of a benefit they may not understand how to get. If there is something you don't understand and it could benefit you, wouldn't you want it explained?

Example: "Top Search Engine Optimisation Strategies Explained!"

(6) Breaking News...

A "Breaking News..." headline grabs your prospect’s attention because breaking news usually happens when it's really important and can't wait until the normal news show time. It's usually something major like serve weather, a terrorist attack, war footage, etc. It makes people stop what they're doing and take notice.

Example: "Breaking News! Scientist Finds Breakthrough Weight Loss Formula!"

Sign up here for FREE in depth Internet Marketing Training.

James Munny

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

25 Attention Grabing Headlines.

Headlines are what lead your readers to read more of your sales message thus it is considered the most important part of your Internet Marketing sales message.

Over the next few days I'm going to give you 25 Attention Grabing Headlines that will multiply the response of your Internet marketing Business.

(1) How To...

An "How To.." headline grabs your prospect’s attention because it tells their brain they are about to learn something new that could benefit their lifestyle. The headline should get their attention and explain how to get their benefit faster, cheaper, easier, etc.

Example: "How To Get Out Of Debt In 1 Year Or Less!"

(2) Unlock...

An "Unlock..." headline grabs your prospect’s attention because when something is locked-up it's perceived as being more valuable. Your product would of course be the key that will unlock the benefit for them.

Example: "Unlock The Secrets Of Selling High Ticket Items!"

(3) Discover...

A "Discover..." headline grabs your prospect’s attention because it gives your prospects a sense of adventure. It's just like in a story when someone discovers a treasure chest or a lost artefact.

Example: "Discover 3 Simple Ways To Reduce Your Unwanted Wrinkles!"

Sign up here for your free in depth Internet Marketing Training.

James Munny

Monday, 3 September 2007

What is a One Time Offer (OTO)?

This is a great way to increase your Internet Marketing sales. When someone is going to purchase from your website wouldn’t it be great to offer a complimentary item that they may want to purchase as well?

Here’s how it works: I am going to buy 5 ready-made adsense sites at the knock down price of only $4 each, $20 in total. This is great because I don’t want to spend too much money today.

When I click on the purchase button I’m not taken to a secure site to purchase the items, but to another sales page, (OTO)where I’m informed that for today only, for an extra $30 I can purchase another 20 ready-made adsense sites. ($1.50each).

I’ve already got my credit card in my hand because I was in the process of purchasing the 5 sites, but this is a great One Time Offer never to be seen again, how can I let it pass.

I didn’t want to spend $50 but I convince myself I’m only spending an extra $30 on a great bargain, so I click on the purchase button and purchase all 25 sites; I’m happy because I have a bargain.

The guy who owns the web site is extremely happy; his OTO sales page has converted a $20 sale to $50 - an increase of 150% - that’s the power of the One Time Offer and it should be part of your Internet marketing activity.

Sign up for our FREE Internet Marketing Training Program and see a OTO sales page in action

James Munny

Sunday, 2 September 2007

Do you take part in polls?

Polls and questionnaires are very important methods to gather data, the information may tell your client’s age, sex, income, interests etc. This can be very useful so I would recommend you use them in your Internet marketing activities.

I intend to run various polls on this blog and establish which direction you think this blog should take; therefore it is very much in your interest to participate.

This month Poll is focused on where you may have had success with your Internet Marketing, and is located midway down the page on the right.

Thanks for participating, James Munny

PS; have you signed up with our free Internet Marketing Training program yet? Book Your Place Here.

Saturday, 1 September 2007

The Money Is In The List

No words are truer; this is absolutely without a doubt the most vital and necessary tool for your business! You need to have a mailing list and keep in touch with your Internet marketing website visitors to bring in new business.

You CANNOT simply put a small text link or graphic on your site that reads "sign up for our mailing list". Who cares?

REMEMBER - You need to be a SUPER Salesperson online!

Be creative and find ways, to get customers to sign up to your list. Once a customer is on your mailing list, they're a prospect (and hopefully a new customer) for life! Repeat sales will be the lifeblood for your business. Offer a freebie, something of value - something to persuade your visitors to sign up to your list.

Here's a few ideas:

Offer a discount coupon or special promo to those who sign up...Offer a free email course; I.E. Crafting, Decorating Ideas, How to build a coffee table under $50, etc...Promote a contest or draw that every new subscriber will be entered into...Offer a special "Members Only" section for all subscribers...

And promote your mailing list EVERYWHERE possible! In your email, on your website, your auctions...EVERYWHERE! Your Internet marketing campaigns depend on it. Find clever and unique ways to get your list information out there! Use your own creativity and come up with some never before seen ways to attract new subscribers! Browse the net and see what other retailers are doing.

This is so important that many Internet marketing websites actually set up an entire domain name just for their opt-in list!

Start building yours today.

James Munny

Blog Archive

About Me

Genoves, Valencia, Spain
Great Britain, words that for centuries did actually mean something, but now I’m afraid the words pale into insignificance. A strange way to start my description, but after many years of seeing my investments and pension shrink faster than a mans sexual desire in a cold shower, it was time to look for pastures new. So in November 2004 my family and I joined the mass exodus, and relocated to Spain. Since then are only source of income has been generated on the Internet.