FREE, Internet Marketing Training.

FREE, Internet Marketing Training.
Brought to you by James Munny

Monday, 3 September 2007

What is a One Time Offer (OTO)?

This is a great way to increase your Internet Marketing sales. When someone is going to purchase from your website wouldn’t it be great to offer a complimentary item that they may want to purchase as well?

Here’s how it works: I am going to buy 5 ready-made adsense sites at the knock down price of only $4 each, $20 in total. This is great because I don’t want to spend too much money today.

When I click on the purchase button I’m not taken to a secure site to purchase the items, but to another sales page, (OTO)where I’m informed that for today only, for an extra $30 I can purchase another 20 ready-made adsense sites. ($1.50each).

I’ve already got my credit card in my hand because I was in the process of purchasing the 5 sites, but this is a great One Time Offer never to be seen again, how can I let it pass.

I didn’t want to spend $50 but I convince myself I’m only spending an extra $30 on a great bargain, so I click on the purchase button and purchase all 25 sites; I’m happy because I have a bargain.

The guy who owns the web site is extremely happy; his OTO sales page has converted a $20 sale to $50 - an increase of 150% - that’s the power of the One Time Offer and it should be part of your Internet marketing activity.

Sign up for our FREE Internet Marketing Training Program and see a OTO sales page in action

James Munny

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About Me

Genoves, Valencia, Spain
Great Britain, words that for centuries did actually mean something, but now I’m afraid the words pale into insignificance. A strange way to start my description, but after many years of seeing my investments and pension shrink faster than a mans sexual desire in a cold shower, it was time to look for pastures new. So in November 2004 my family and I joined the mass exodus, and relocated to Spain. Since then are only source of income has been generated on the Internet.