FREE, Internet Marketing Training.

FREE, Internet Marketing Training.
Brought to you by James Munny

Sunday, 2 September 2007

Do you take part in polls?

Polls and questionnaires are very important methods to gather data, the information may tell your client’s age, sex, income, interests etc. This can be very useful so I would recommend you use them in your Internet marketing activities.

I intend to run various polls on this blog and establish which direction you think this blog should take; therefore it is very much in your interest to participate.

This month Poll is focused on where you may have had success with your Internet Marketing, and is located midway down the page on the right.

Thanks for participating, James Munny

PS; have you signed up with our free Internet Marketing Training program yet? Book Your Place Here.

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About Me

Genoves, Valencia, Spain
Great Britain, words that for centuries did actually mean something, but now I’m afraid the words pale into insignificance. A strange way to start my description, but after many years of seeing my investments and pension shrink faster than a mans sexual desire in a cold shower, it was time to look for pastures new. So in November 2004 my family and I joined the mass exodus, and relocated to Spain. Since then are only source of income has been generated on the Internet.