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FREE, Internet Marketing Training.
Brought to you by James Munny

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Day 2 of Killer Headlines.

Headlines are what lead your readers to read more of your sales message thus it is considered the most important part of your Internet Marketing sales message.

Day 2 of 25 Attention Grabing Headlines that will multiply the response of your Internet marketing Business.

(4) ...Exposed

An "...Exposed" headline grabs your prospect’s attention because it sounds as if somebody was trying to hide something. Your prospects will want to know what was being covered up and why.

Example: "Used Car Dealer Sales Tricks Exposed!"

(5) ...Explained

An "...Explained" headline grabs your prospect’s attention because it will give them a clear picture of a benefit they may not understand how to get. If there is something you don't understand and it could benefit you, wouldn't you want it explained?

Example: "Top Search Engine Optimisation Strategies Explained!"

(6) Breaking News...

A "Breaking News..." headline grabs your prospect’s attention because breaking news usually happens when it's really important and can't wait until the normal news show time. It's usually something major like serve weather, a terrorist attack, war footage, etc. It makes people stop what they're doing and take notice.

Example: "Breaking News! Scientist Finds Breakthrough Weight Loss Formula!"

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James Munny

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Genoves, Valencia, Spain
Great Britain, words that for centuries did actually mean something, but now I’m afraid the words pale into insignificance. A strange way to start my description, but after many years of seeing my investments and pension shrink faster than a mans sexual desire in a cold shower, it was time to look for pastures new. So in November 2004 my family and I joined the mass exodus, and relocated to Spain. Since then are only source of income has been generated on the Internet.