FREE, Internet Marketing Training.

FREE, Internet Marketing Training.
Brought to you by James Munny

Friday 31 August 2007

Assume Nothing

Yesterday I posted SEO programs that will help you optimise your Internet Marketing website and rank you higher in the search engines.

I wrongly assumed you already have a website? This may not be the case; you may be testing the water, trying to gather as much information as possible before committing yourself to Internet marketing.

I made a fundamental mistake, never assume anything.

If I ran an adsense campaign and didn’t monitor the effectiveness of my keywords, didn’t split test my ad, or optimise my landing page, (the page people see when they click on my ad) I would very soon be out of business. It would be wrong of me to assume, because I like my ad, then my prospective clients will also like it.

Don’t assume anything, always test everything you do with your Internet marketing business, and then retest it some more, and........... you guessed it, do more tests.

If you haven’t a website or are looking for another web host, check this out.

I currently use 3 different web hosts, but I’ve found by far the most reliable, simplest to use, and with all the professional features your Internet marketing site(s) will need as your business expands is this one.

You can download their FREE software here and practice building your own website (without obligation), using their in depth training video tutorials and support forum.

James Munny

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Genoves, Valencia, Spain
Great Britain, words that for centuries did actually mean something, but now I’m afraid the words pale into insignificance. A strange way to start my description, but after many years of seeing my investments and pension shrink faster than a mans sexual desire in a cold shower, it was time to look for pastures new. So in November 2004 my family and I joined the mass exodus, and relocated to Spain. Since then are only source of income has been generated on the Internet.